where or when

"It seems we stood and talked like this before
We looked at each other in the same way then
But I can't remember where or when. . ."

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:: She's now a Sadie, Sadie, Married Lady. *sigh* [>]
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:: I am going to be volunteering at SxSW. I didn't g... [>]
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Thursday, February 19, 2004

Thoughts on Sunday evening on Congress

So I had my film crew meeting on Sunday evening at the Hideout on 6th and Congress. I had to park about four blocks away. I just love walking downtown alone at dark. I feel ultra-vigilant. I couldn't find the group when I got there.

I saw this guy who has a local cable show that I watch as a guilty pleasure. He and his friends sit around a table with their visible microphones and critique the recent movies they've seen. It's pretty low-tech, but pretty funny most of the time. Anyway, he asked me if I was looking for Amanda or some name like that and I said no.

I ultimately found the group in the theatre. I just can't believe people don't put up signs or something. I am shy, okay?! I'm not going to go out of my way to chat people up and find a place if I don't have to. Anyway, I was very glad to see Melissa, whom I had met at the volunteer signup.

The film crew orientation was interesting. I learned that we are not supposed to make any comment on the films we see, as a crew member or actor may be around us and overhear. We are also not allowed to make any comments to the press whatsoever (fine with me!). My hours are different from what I signed up for - they have me starting at 4. I had to tell the crew chief that I don't get off until 5:30.

When it was over, Melissa and I walked to our cars. We discussed documentaries and the new Arbor Cinema. I was telling her that the new Arbor plays this thing called "The Twenty" which is basically 20 minutes of ads that you get to enjoy if you come early to the film. She asked me why they started doing that and I commented, "They have to make money somehow!"

Then this random young blonde guy caught up with us and said, "I don't mean to intrude, but I heard you say you have to make money somehow - " Assuming he thought I was a drug dealer or prostitute (HA!), I hastened to clarify, "I didn't say I would, I was talking about theatres. Movie theaters." He replied with, "Oh. Sorry." And went back to his group. Melissa and I laughed and I told her about the guy I ran into at the Renaissance Fair in high school who thought I was into Hinduism because I wore a tie-dyed shirt. I'm pretty sure he was stoned. I wonder what this guy's story is.

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