where or when

"It seems we stood and talked like this before
We looked at each other in the same way then
But I can't remember where or when. . ."

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Monday, January 31, 2005
Was it really worth it?

I spent most of yesterday in BookPeople, all for Alton Brown. He was scheduled to speak at 3pm, and my mom and I got there around 1:15pm. After Mom had bought the books, we got our tickets, and they sold out of the books. We went upstairs and had to walk through a maze of people sitting on the floor. We found a spot where we had a decent vantage point (somewhat blocked by a pillar) and stood until he came down more than an hour later. While we waited: C. called to tell me he wasn't coming after all and I said that was a good idea, b/c it was a zoo!, Mom and I struck up a conversation with a guy who was actually upstairs to buy books from the urban studies section (about Jim Wallis' impending visit), I joked with Leah on the phone that we wouldn't be done until 5:30. Alton came down and I took some pics (to be posted later). He was just as funny in person as he is on the show (if not funnier). He took questions from the audience about smoking meat, Iron Chef America, a show on cooking game, his upcoming show on Route 66 diners, and more. Then the book-signing started. He swore he wouldn't leave until all the books were signed. Mom and I had yellow C48, and they started with yellow A0. We were still there at 5:30. Luckily, some nice guys gave us their B86 yellow ticket, so we were able to get to him before 7pm. There were still tons of people there waiting when we were done. I heard one woman in the restroom saying she and her family had driven up from Houston to see him. Yikes! I think she had a pink ticket, too. So they probably didn't get to him until 9pm.

I would swear I'm not going back to BookPeople for another year, but I have to see Jim Wallis on Wednesday. I can't miss that. I am certain he won't have as many fans, since he doesn't have a TV show.

I seriously never thought I would get tired of being in a bookstore. I think it was the large amount of people there that did it.

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