where or when

"It seems we stood and talked like this before
We looked at each other in the same way then
But I can't remember where or when. . ."

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Monday, December 20, 2004
Top ten films of 2004

I tried doing this post about a month ago and blogger ate my post. Therefore, I will not go to all the work of putting IMDB links to my films here, as blogger might eat this post also.

1. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Definitely the best film I've seen this year. Amazing story, great acting, terrific score, I could go on and on. I am so glad I caught it in the theatres and I bought it on DVD as soon as possible. It's so original, and deserves any award it gets. Hell, even Jim Carrey blew me away, and I can't stand him!

2. Sideways. Funny, sad, not your typical road movie. Paul Giamatti just keeps on amazing me. I loved him in American Splendor, and he is even better in this film (I don't think I can forgive him for Duets, though). my post

3. Farenheit 9/11. It was worth driving through pouring rain on opening night for.

4. Spiderman 2. Umm, it was good. Amazingly good.

5. The Motorcycle Diaries. Beautifully shot, a very emotional film. The music is gorgeous, the acting very well-done, and it was so much funnier than I expected!

6. The Incredibles. I have yet to see a Pixar movie I haven't enjoyed. While this isn't my favorite of their works, it was quite funny and awesome to see on the big screen.

7. Supersize Me. I'm so glad I don't eat at McDonalds, but I did think it funny when someone asked after the SxSW showing where the closest McDonalds was. I laughed, and they said, "I'm serious!"

8. 13 Going on 30. I love Jennifer Garner, and she is soooo wonderful in this film. I have the DVD and I just skip the sappy ending.

9. Napoleon Dynamite. This movie was so funny. There were spots that felt a little slow, but it has so much going for it otherwise, I forgive it. my post

10. Mind the Gap. A cute film I was able to see at SxSW. I don't think it got wide release, but it is worth renting on DVD if you can. my post

Honorable Mentions:
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, b/c Alfonso Cuaron rocks!
Anchorman, b/c it made my sides hurt.
Garden State, b/c Peter Sarsgaard is my boyfriend. my post
Mean Girls, b/c it was funny, and so fetch.

Worst film of the year: Young Adam. Read my post

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