I have just got back in contact with a college friend working at a Houston law firm. She's invited me to visit, and since she and the Houston Opera are really the only draws for me, I had to see what operas are being performed this season.
I discovered that in March, the Houston Grand Opera is performing the debut of Mark Adamo's "Lysistrata". I am intrigued by this. First off, I am familiar with the story, as I had a friend in high school who set up her own production of Aristophones' play. I can't remember which role I was stuck with, but I do know I had to wear a helmet under my robe. It was all very low-tech, but very fun.
Secondly, I
loved Mark Adamo's "Little Women". I was not able to see it live, only on PBS, and just part of it then. But the ending made me cry. I
never cry at operas. I just have never been so moved. But it was so well-done, simple, wistful, and great, that I got choked up. I know "Lysistrata" is VERY different from "Little Women", but I am very tempted to try it.
Now I just have to figure out how to afford a trip!
Lysistrata: Houston Grand Opera
posted by elizs @ 12/10/2004 04:22:00 PM