where or when

"It seems we stood and talked like this before
We looked at each other in the same way then
But I can't remember where or when. . ."

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Thursday, November 11, 2004
Veteran's Day (originally posted at nycuon)

I consider the veterans in my life today. My grandfather who served in the Navy during World War II, my other grandfather who served as an MP in San Francisco during WWII, and my cousin currently serving in Iraq.

The last time I talked to my father's father, he was very reminiscent with me. Before this, I didn't really know a whole lot about him. He told me that he joined the Navy for the GI Bill and worked with ammunition storage. He lost a good deal of his hearing because of it. After his service was up, he was able to go to university and become an engineer.

My mother's father has been dead for over ten years now. I don't really know much about his service. I know he served in San Francisco as an MP because there is a certificate regarding his service in the smallest room of my grandmother's house. He eventually came back to North Texas to work at General Cable and raise cattle on the side.

My cousin is my age. He is my father's oldest sister's son. He lived in Florida for most of his life, so I am not as close to him as my other cousins. He joined the military after high school and went to the language school in San Diego. He studied Arabic. He got married my sophomore year in college, his wife had a baby my junior year, and he was sent to Iraq for a period that same year, I believe. He came back and served at Ft. Hood for a while. His service was almost up when he was sent to Iraq early this year. As far as I know, he is still around, but I wonder every time I hear of military deaths over there. The reason I have the "Books for Soldiers" button on the side of my page is because I know he enjoys reading, so I plug it for everyone.

I appreciate the service of the men and women overseas, but wish that there was a better justification for their sacrifice in Iraq.

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