where or when

"It seems we stood and talked like this before
We looked at each other in the same way then
But I can't remember where or when. . ."

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Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Almost time

Well, SxSW starts next Friday. My volunteering starts very early Thursday morning as I help with bagstuffing. I've never been to the convention center, but I'm sure I'll be tired of it after my volunteering. I still haven't figured out my transportation for all my shifts yet.

My shifts at the Arbor are no more, which is somewhat disappointing. Now I am helping out at the Millennium Theatre, which is part of a youth complex in Central East Austin. It is funny - I remember in high school taking a phone survey about setting up a complex in East Austin. What would I like it to have? and questions like that. They probably figured since I lived in Northeast Austin I would use it. Then I forgot all about it, and now I get to volunteer there. Apparently it houses the largest rollerskating rink in central Texas, along with a bowling alley, cafe and theatre.

People get easily freaked out about East Austin, like it's all some danger zone. As I've lived east of IH35 all my life, I just don't see it that way. I love being close to central parts of town and I love the community. If you look at a map of Austin and where downtown is, most areas of East Austin should really be considered central Austin. Whenever a news crew covers something east of IH-35, it is always "East Austin". It's just ridiculous.

Anyway, the movies I will helping out at look interesting. One appears to be a horror film. I probably will not be staying to watch it, if I have an option to leave. I don't do horror films. At all. I blame it on seeing Trick or Treat with Ozzy Osbourne in 3rd grade. It scarred me for life as far as that genre of film goes. And I've never watched an episode of "The Osbournes" either.

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