where or when

"It seems we stood and talked like this before
We looked at each other in the same way then
But I can't remember where or when. . ."

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Thursday, December 23, 2004
my new crush

Last night Melissa and I stood in line (in blustery cold winds, I might add) to see the Greencards at the Armadillo Xmas Bazaar. I found a dollar that blew in my direction, and checked if it belonged to anyone before I got to keep it. That was just the beginning to our great night. While we waited to buy entry tickets, this older woman asked Melissa to put her earring back in for her. She was with her college-age grandson, and was very sweet. We finally got in to the hall and started hearing bluegrass music. We made our way to the very large crowd at the stage. During the first set, we couldn't see much, but I had a great view of the fiddler. He is just amazing, and so my type. He isn't too tall, wears glasses, and is an awesome musician. And he's so cute with his little nerdy-chic look going on! Anyway, I was enthralled, and didn't mind that he was the only member of the band I could see. Their very loyal following had all come out because last night was their last concert in Austin for a while. They are moving to Nashville to forward their careers, so both Melissa and I were very disappointed to catch them so late.

For the second set, the older lady and her grandson had a spot for me to sit, so I got to chat with her during the break. She had come from New York state to spend the holidays with her family, and her grandson was just home for a holiday break from school. She was such a nice lady, and she really loved the Greencards. Their following does lean towards 40-something and up listeners. Melissa and I weren't the youngest people there listening, but there weren't a whole lot of people our age.

We were set to leave at 10:30, but at 10:15 they started playing this instrumental piece that ended up being a 30-minute jam session containing allusions to "The Holly and the Ivy", "The Twelve Days of Christmas", "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer", surf tunes, "Norwegian Wood", "Paint It Black" and more. Jeepers, it was long. But very good, though!

Melissa bought their CD after the show and I got Kym and Eamon to sing it. Lovely. Too bad Leah missed it! Good music, and a cute instrumentalist in glasses - she would have loved it.

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