where or when

"It seems we stood and talked like this before
We looked at each other in the same way then
But I can't remember where or when. . ."

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Tuesday, May 18, 2004

This weekend was packed full of busy. I was sick (and still am slightly) but we had to go to Leah's graduation. It was great to see her graduate, but that weekend took all the energy I had. At least now she's home.

I'm having a Gilmore Girls season finale night at my apartment and Leah, Melissa and Joseph are coming. This will be the first gathering I've had at my apartment, and I stayed up late (for me) last night cleaning it up. I'm making chicken tacos. I hope my recipe works for Melissa and Joseph. I like it, and I have somewhat discerning tastes. Well, if they stink, at least we'll have ice cream to make up for it. No alcohol, though. I never keep it around. I can't afford it!

Yesterday I was driving to my parent's house and I called Kristina. She had told me the day before that she had news. Apparently, L, whose story deserves a whole post itself, has been dating a guy for three months. This is big, because she has never had a serious relationship before. We used to have this in common. She called Kristina to congratulate her, but ended up having "the talk" with her. She asked Kristina if the timing was okay, etc.

I asked K how L met this guy, a cop in Denton, I think, and she told me e-harmony. I will admit - I tried e-harmony and it kept matching me up with fitness freaks and army guys (this was before the Iraq situation). They were mostly all Republicans. Ergo - it never worked for me. I have to say, good for L, though. She's had a hard time of it, and Lord knows, I'm not there for her anymore (would be included in post about L).

Suffice it to say, I was surprised. Surprised and amused. For a moment, I lost my feeling of acceptance at being single. But I regained it again.

Kristina told me that this conversation made her confused about the shape of things, and I told her I'd been feeling that way ever since I found out she was pregnant.

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