where or when

"It seems we stood and talked like this before
We looked at each other in the same way then
But I can't remember where or when. . ."

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Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Random thoughts

my own stream-of-consciousness.

I am at the beginning stages of an allergy attack. My throat is so sore it hurts to even think of talking. As part of my job is to answer phones, I instinctively reach for the phone when it rings, then remember my pain. I can't wait til the part of my attack when I sound awful but feel a lot better. I hope that comes soon. I hate drainage.

Since Sunday night, my upstairs neighbor has been watching war shows or shows on thunder until 12:30am. Normally, I would not care. However, when I am almost on the verge of sleep, I will be waked by a loud boom. The thing is, the noises are not continuous. They occur every five minutes. I wonder if it is somehow sexually related (which is a tad disturbing), but I can't figure out those noises. Night before last I called the coutrtesy officer, who called me back saying he couldn't do anything, since the noise is not audible outside.

I've thought about writing a terse note to my neighbor (whose name I do not know) saying:

Dear 9** - I live under your apartment and have had noise problems recently. I was wondering if you could turn down your music/movie/TV/rain machine after 11pm? I have to get up at a regular time each morning, as I work, and haven't been able to get the right amount of sleep since Sunday night. If you would give me your phone number, I could call you with noise complaints, instead of the management.

Elizabeth in 9**

This option has been highly considered at 12am.

I wish it was just the weekend already (partly because then I would have money, and be able to pay my electric bill). I hate worrying about money. Until I make a decent salary, though, I'm going to stay in dire straits. Thanks, Bush!

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