where or when

"It seems we stood and talked like this before
We looked at each other in the same way then
But I can't remember where or when. . ."

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Thursday, March 24, 2005
from Melissa

I am sooo jealous - just got this email from Melissa during her sabattical in Latin America:
Subject: I climbed Mt. Everest...

okay, so it wasn't Everest, but it sure as hell felt like it. I hiked up to
the top of an inactive volcano yesterday, which was entailed a 4 1/2 hour hike up to the top through some muddy conditions. I was huffing and puffing the whole way up and if it would have been for my out of shape ass, we could have made it there a bit sooner. The objective of the hike was to get to a lake that formed in the crater of the volcano. So, we reached the highest point which was about 3,800 feet and then we had to descend down a mud pit.

Due to my lack of balance, I lost my footing and well, came really close to sliding straight of the cliff. Was I scared? You betcha! We hung out at the lake for about at hour which was absolutely gorgeous, but by the time we got up there I was completely drenched in sweat that with the cool breeze, I was too cold to go in. Now, when we got to the lake, everyone was wondering were was the rope that all the guide books said you needed to get to the lake. Well, since the descent was way to muddy, we took another path, which is where the rope came into play. Oh, my God, I thought I was going to die. I've never been rock climbing before, so you can imagine my apprehension.

There were two ropes hanging off the side of the cliff which you used to climb up and of course, there are no safety precautions. I was so scared and the tour guides kept telling me not to worry, although there was talk of two backpackers dying recently, and I have no idea how, so that was circling around in my head the whole time. Nevertheless, I made it to the top, but then I had to descend down the muddy trail. The descent was less challenging, but since it was so slippery, I kept imagining a nasty spill. Luckily, my tour guide sensed my fear and came to my rescue. I felt like such a wimp, but without him holding my hand most of the way down, I don't know if I would have made it back in one piece. But, thankfully I did. Yeah!!! And, of course, I'm sooooo sore today. Well, I just wanted to fill you in on my little adventure. By the way, that was Volcan Maderas that I hiked. It's located on the Island of Ometepe in Nicaragua. I hope you all are doing well and I'll keep you updated on my next adventure.

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