where or when

"It seems we stood and talked like this before
We looked at each other in the same way then
But I can't remember where or when. . ."

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Wednesday, July 28, 2004
I got my green chile fix

Here's my New Mexico reflections blog entry:

places I went:

Kristina lives in Moriarty, so a lot of time was spent there.
Taos: Taos Pueblo, San Francisco de Asis Church (Ranchos de Taos)
Santuario de Chimayo
Nambe Falls Park (with a killer walk up to the falls)
Santa Fe
Albuquerque: Old Town Albuquerque, where I bought art and jewelry, and campus area, where I bought Putamayo CDs at Peacecraft, ate lunch at the Flying Star, enjoyed an independent bookstore, and later lunched at the Route 66 Diner
Jemez Springs, where I spent the night here.  We took a hike to see the waterfall, then caught a rehearsal concert put on by the kids.
Jemez State Monument
Coronado State Monument
Las Vegas, where we ate at the Spic and Span (the extreme amount of green chile on my chicken sopapilla just about killed me) and soaked our feet in the hot springs

I tried to eat as much green chile as I could; I had green chile enchiladas my first night there (El comedor de Anayas), an Albuquerque turkey sandwich (Route 66 Diner), and the killer chicken sopapilla (Spic and Span).

Monday night, Kristina made posole for us, with red chile as a topping. It was really good, but oh. my. god. so spicy.

It was great to spend time with Kristina and her new husband (whom I had only met once before). They really treated me like a special guest.

I was glad to get back to my own bed, in my somewhat clean apartment though. I don't think I'll fully recover from the trip til after the weekend.

Kristina wants me to move to Albuquerque, and I must admit it is very tempting. I love the area. The view of the mountains just blows my mind. I think I would enjoy living there, but I have to stay in Austin for a few more years, anyway. I made a promise to stay at my job for a few more years, so I will.

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