where or when

"It seems we stood and talked like this before
We looked at each other in the same way then
But I can't remember where or when. . ."

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Friday, July 02, 2004
about last night

Last night I went to my first First Thursday. Mel, Leah and I met Jay at Guero's. We parked down at the Statesman and walked up to Guero's. It wasn't a bad walk, since it was shaded and there was a nice breeze. Once we met Jay, we had to wait almost an hour for a table (I'm not exaggerating), and that was because this girl let us have her place on the wait list, giving us her pager as she left. I hate to think how long the wait would have been if she hadn't done that. We got drinks while we waited and the margarita was great, but after the good walk and an early lunch, I could really feel it. I felt faint and stupid. Once we finally got a table (we stood while we waited), I could tell my legs weren't happy with me. The service was pretty good, and the spinach/mushroom enchiladas Mel and I shared were deliciosas. However - Leah's flautas were gross (the chicken was pummeled), and they charged Jay $0.65 for a tiny side of cheese for his beef tacos. My review - good food, but really not worth the wait. The great company made up for it though. By the time we had finished dinner, the shops we wanted to visit had closed.

For August - we plan to eat before we head out to S. Congress so we can actually do some shopping.

Although - by then I won't have any money left over from my New Mexico trip. Oh well!

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