I talked to Kristina this weekend and she told me that when she called our mutual acquaintance LM to tell her about Julian's birth, LM mentioned that she recently realized that she is going through menopause. LM just turned 26 the day Julian was born.
Kristina told me, "Menopause is a symptom of a syndrome that they have diagnosed her with." I reminded her that LM was born with
Turner's Syndrome, and had to take hormones when she was much younger. It is still disturbing to find out that she doesn't even have a chance to have kids. She told Kristina, "I didn't want kids, but now it's not even an option." Apparently fertility is extremely rare among those with the syndrome (less than 1%).
I feel extremely sad for LM; she had so many emotional issues already, and she didn't really need this. I still don't imagine I can deal with her right now. Maybe I'll send her a card or something.
"Sorry you've got menopause"? I just don't know.
posted by elizs @ 9/07/2004 04:09:00 PM