where or when

"It seems we stood and talked like this before
We looked at each other in the same way then
But I can't remember where or when. . ."

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Wednesday, March 31, 2004

100 things about me

100. I am the eldest daughter of an eldest daughter of an eldest daughter.
99. I am a native Texan.
98. The only year I spent out of Texas was the year I spent in Minnesota.
97. I am an alum of Americorps.
96. My Americorps year was spent as a construction assistant with Habitat for Humanity.
95. I led a crew of volunteers in basement formation, as well as other exciting steps of construction.
94. I was an English major in college.
93. I graduated cum laude.
92. My GPA in my major was about a B.
91. My GPA in my minor was much higher.
90. My minor was Music.
89. I love music history, especially the Romantic era and 20th Century music.
88. I have too many favorite composers to have a single favorite.
87. I sang in an a capella choir in college.
86. I took guitar lessons in third grade, and all I remember is the e-minor chord.
85. I always wanted to take piano lessons.
84. When I started college, I didn't know how to read music. I kid you not!
83. My last semester was spent studying the piano innovations of Henry Cowell and John Cage.
82. I love taking black and white pictures.
81. For some reason, I don't take good B&W pics of people.
80. I miss having a lab and being able to develop my own pictures.
79. One of my pics was selected to be in an art show in college.
78. I write, but have gotten much worse about it since I started a blog.
77. I have one younger sister.
76. I have been to both Mexico and Canada, as well as Austria and Italy.
75. I love baking cookies.
74. I am vice-president for the board of a non-profit.
73. I am the youngest member of the board, by at least 10 years.
72. I am Presbyterian.
71. I belong to a small church, the only Presbyterian church with a female pastor in town.
70. I am currently church-hopping because my church is stagnant. However, I am representing my church on the board, so I still have to visit often.
69. I always vote, even in silly Constitutional amendment elections.
68. I am a progressive Christian.
67. I can't stand fundamentalist Christians (and have a low tolerance for the Southern Baptist church).
66. I went to a Southern Baptist school for elementary and middle school. Then I went to a public magnet school for high school.
65. I try to be an open-minded person.
64. I am a feminist, more liberal than radical. Yes, there is a difference.
63. It bothers me when people make derogatory remarks about feminists and feminism.
62. I have never done any drugs.
61. I hung out with the stoners in high school.
60. I didn't drink alcohol until I was legal.
59. I don't drink regularly, but I am a social drinker when I do.
58. I only like "fru-fru" flavored drinks, like margaritas, wine coolers and hard lemonade.
57. In Myers-Briggs jargon, I am an INFJ.
56. I am definitely an introvert.
55. I am a Democrat.
54. I met George W. Bush when I was in fifth grade. He thought I was a boy, and was embarrassed when I pointed out his error.
53. Even then, I knew I was a Democrat.
52. I have close friends in New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Minnesota.
51. I have been to Las Vegas.
50. I won $25 by playing slot machines.
49. I love classic movies.
48. I have certain movies memorized, such as, "A Night at the Opera", "Bringing Up Baby", "The Princess Bride", "The Philadelphia Story", "Strictly Ballroom", and "Sleepless in Seattle".
47. I am a member of the Austin Film Society.
46. I subscribe to "Harper's" and "Mother Jones".
45. I used to subscribe to "Jane", until they hired Pamela Anderson to write a column.
44. My favorite museum is the McNay in San Antonio, although I've been to the Uffizi, Houston Museum of Art and Minneapolis Institute of Art.
43. I spent one afternoon in the Minneapolis Institute of Art just to enjoy the air conditioning. The art was a definite plus, though.
42. I know a lot of random trivia about pop culture.
41. I am a Simpsons addict.
40. Before college, I had never watched an episode of "The Simpsons".
39. I turned my family onto "The Simpsons" (I also introduced them to Veggietales).
38. Ralph Wiggum is my favorite incidental character, and Lisa is my favorite main character.
37. My favorite episode is when Lisa becomes a vegetarian.
36. I have memorized many episodes of the show.
35. I don't eat red meat.
34. My grandfather used to raise cows, and I stopped eating beef when he died.
33. I enjoy ice cream in any kind of weather.
32. I prefer wearing sandals to any other type of shoe.
31. I don't do high heels.
30. I sing while I drive.
29. I always have songs in my head.
28. Madeleine L'Engle is my favorite author. I also love Ann Patchett and Elizabeth Berg.
27. I'm a sucker for romantic comedies.
26. It's easy for me to love.
25. I've never been in love.
24. I went on an internet blind-date once. It was uncomfortable for all parties involved.
23. I remember chatting in a computer lab in 1996. My, how the internet has grown!
22. I used to have a member page on firefly (which has long been gone).
21. I'm very close to my family.
20. I used to own a guinea pig named Eve.
19. I love public radio and appreciate public television (but I hate pledge season on PBS!).
18. I used to babysit for the kids of an NPR reporter.
17. I'm soon to be a godmother/informal aunt.
16. I can make do with not very much, but just barely.
15. I believe in affordable housing!
14. I've given money to two presidential campaigns, and neither have been successful (Bradley and Dean).
13. I can't stand Wagner.
12. My favorite opera is "Le Nozze di Figaro", although Mozart isn't my favorite composer.
11. I love Peter Gabriel, Jeff Buckley, Guster, Fountains of Wayne, Sheryl Crow, Indigo Girls, Kim Richey, Jonatha Brooke (and The Story), Paul Simon, Billy Joel, the Dixie Chicks, and Aimee Mann.
10. I sang "Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered" at my senior recital.
9. My Lent ritual is to listen to my soundtrack from "Jesus Christ Superstar".
8. I don't have a landline phone or internet access at my apartment, and yet I survive!
7. I love Christopher Guest movies, especially "Waiting for Guffman" and "A Mighty Wind".
6. I am a die-hard fan of "Gilmore Girls" and "Alias".
5. I get my hair highlighted.
4. My hair is naturally wavy.
3. When I was little, my mom used to cut my hair and it was very short.
2. I used to substitute teach and I taught one class "I Want a Hippopotomus for Christmas".
1. I have spent way too much time at work coming up with these 100 Things!

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